

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


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silviculture is that branch of forestry which deals with the development, care, establishment and Reproduction of stand of timber. Silviculture has specific roll with forest economics, forestry, forest protection, forest mensuration, forest utilisation, forest management.

Objectives of silviculture

1. Afforestation
2. Reforestation
3. Production of  higher volume call per unit area
4. Production of superior quality Timber
5. Production of economically valuable species
6. Reduction the rotation of species
7. Introduction of exotics

 Classification of  Plants

Plant is defined as a photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the plant Kingdom characteristics having chloroplast and lacking the power of locomotion.
A complete plant has a root, stem, and leaves.

In the basic means plants are classified into different categories such as:-
A). Herb
B). Shrub
C). Tree

A). Herb is defined as the plant whose height is not more than one metre, stem is always green and tender.
B). Shrub is defined as a Woody plant different from a perennial herb in its Woody stem, and different from a tree in its love stature and it's habit of branching.
C). Tree is defined as a large would a perennial plant having a well-defined stamp and a definite crown. Some are called as climber which have special structures to climb on support.
Twiners grow spirally around the another plant support and do not possess shoot
or throns. E.g., Chonemorpha, clerodendron, echites.

‌Parts of the Tree and its Characteristics.
1)  Leaf
‌Leaf refers to the flattened, green, lateral structure attached to a secondary stem or branches and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in plants. The leaf colour of the plant varies with species. Dark red colour observed in young leaves of mango and cassia fistula. Pinkish colour observed in young leaves of Qurcus incana, where as white is the mature leaves. Schleichera oleosa have bright red coloured leaves.

Autumn tint:- refers to the leaf colour change at the time of maturation due to various biological changes which alter the pigment composition.

On the basis of presence and absence of leaves, plants can be classified into two groups groups.
1. Evergreen species
2. Deciduous species
Deciduous species are the perennial plants which shut  their leaves and remain leafless for some part of the Year.
It includes Adina cardifolia, ailanthus exelsa, bombax ceiba, lannea and Melia azadirechta.
Evergreen species are the  perennial plants, in these species the old leave persist until the new leaves are appeared.
These never remain entirely without the green foliage.

2) stem
Stem is the principal axis of of plant from which new shoots and buds are developed. The stem diameter decreases from the base to upward which is technically called as taper. F l u t i n g refer the irregular swelling and involution on the the stem. This renders the utility of timber and reduces the value too. Bole refers to the lower part of  stem below the  main branches are given off.

3) Branch
branch refers to the shoot or secondary stem growing from the main stem of a tree or other plant the branching of tree differ with species. Bombax ceiba, pinus and pinus wallichiana produces whorl type branching. The horizontal type branching is observed in old deodar and duabanga sonneratioides. The anogeissus pendula and Terminalia myriocarba have download dropping branches.

‌4). Root
in plants root is the organ of  a plant body that typically lies below the surface of soil however root can also be a aerial ( growing about the ground) or areating ( growing up above the ground especially above water).
‌ adventitious roots arise from the stem, Woody trees, branches, leave.
‌E.g:- willow (salix).
‌ aerial roots are the roots found entirely above the ground. They function as prop roots or as the trunk. Eg :- Ficus glomerata, epiphytic orchids.
‌ pneumatophores are the roots arranged above the ground, specially above water. These roots facilitates gas exchange under anaerobic soil conditions.
‌ stilt roots are the  adventitious roots that grow  down from lateral branches. It is common among among mangrove species.

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